What is the difference between SV, GV, OV, and CV?

SV is Sales Volume. Sales Volume is the commissionable value of products sold in a calendar month: (1) by the Company to an Independent Consultant; and (2) by the Company to the Independent Consultant’s personally enrolled Customers.

GV is Group Volume. Group Volume is the commissionable value of the LifeVantage products generated by an Independent Consultant’s Marketing Organization in a given month, not including the Sales Volume (SV) of the subject Independent Consultant. (Independent Consultant Start Kits and non-product sales aids generate no Group Sales Volume).

OV is Organizational Volume. Organizational Volume is the commissionable value of LifeVantage products generated by an Independent Consultant’s Marketing Organization in a given month, including the Independent Consultant’s Sales Volume (SV).

CV is Commissionable Volume. Commissionable Volume is all LifeVantage products on which Financial Distributions are paid. Start Kits and sales aids do not contain Commissionable Volume.

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