
A Radical Change:
Paying Our Customers.

Over a decade ago we made a bold choice – we pulled our successful products off the shelves. Being a part of big box stores felt like it was going against everything we stood for, so we chose then and there to stop lining our pockets and start paying our customers.

That sounds crazy, but we realized something. Our success wasn’t due to fancy packaging or expensive marketing – it was because our customers loved their results and couldn’t help but to tell others about their experience. So, if our customers’ success stories were fueling our own, why not pay them for it? So, we created an opportunity for any customer to earn money by becoming a LifeVantage Distributor. ¹

We removed roadblocks, retooled our strategy and backed the business status quo for entrepreneurs like you.

Build your business without the anxiety.

We take the fear out of the unknown with a training and support system designed to help you hit the ground running and build a successful business. From personal mentors and support groups to training events and 24/7 customer support, you have all the help you need.

Stop trading your time for money. Earn leveraged income.

In a traditional model your income is directly limited by the hours you work. When you sell LifeVantage products you earn leveraged income — you get paid every time your customer reorders. In other words, time spent developing a customer a few months back can still be filling your wallet today.

Invest in yourself, not office space and computers.

Paperwork, logisitics, hiring, websites, marketing, sales metrics — all stressful, time-sucking aspects of running a business. So we removed them. We give you the tools you need to manage your business all from your phone. Leaving you time to do what matters – the stuff that earns you money. ¹

Join a team that holds to a higher standard.

One of our core values is integrity, which is why we always shoot each other straight. So in 2012 we chose to become publicly traded on the NASDAQ and make all our business dealings public record. If you’re the kind of person that splits an oreo and gives away the half with creme, you might be one of us.

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